Hi ! 👋
Makarand here
Versatile Software Engineer with a proven track record in web development, microservices, APIs, machine learning/AI, and DevOps.
Explore my portfolio to see my projects in action!
Projects <>
Cloud Native WebApp
A cloud native web application with a microservices architecture deployed on AWS using infrastructure as code (Pulumi) and implementing DevOps Best Practices.
Accounting Dashboard
A full stack web application that provides a dashboard for accounting and finance management.
Facial Emotion Classifier
A deep learning model that classifies facial emotions using Convolutional Neural Networks. The model is deployed as a web application using Flask.
Bootkart Ecommerce
A Full-stack E-commerce website for selling electronics. Built using jQuery, PHP, and MySQL.
Marketting Campaign Reponse Analysis
A comprehensive report on the analysis of a marketting campaign response using statistical learning, feature engineering and model interpretability techniques.
Roll a Ball Game
A 3D platformer game developed using Unity Engine and C#.
NU Chronicles
A Full-Stack web app for students to share their experiences at Northeastern University. Built using MongoDb, Express, React and node.js.